Organic buckwheat is naturally gluten free, and is a very nutrient dense pseudocereal, which is a seed that is used like a grain. Interestingly, buckwheat is actually part of the rhubarb family despite the "wheat" being within the name.
Buckwheat can be very good for you as it is great for keeping blood sugar levels regulated due to the low glycemic index, containing resistant starch ( a natural fibre that feeds gut bacteria). In the case of organic buckwheat it is healthy to consume long term as there is no risk to the exposure of unnatural chemicals
Buckwheat actually produces nectar on their flowers that bees love, the bees which have harvested the nectar produce a dark and rich honey known as buckwheat honey which is teeming with antioxidants with a treacle and molasses-like flavour. Fields of organic buckwheat of course are best, as the bees are not at risk of pesticides.
Organic Buckwheat | Just Natural
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100% Organic Buckwheat