The idea behind Brazier Coffee was sparked on a scorching afternoon in the Australian outback, over an exceptional cup of coffee. Inspired by its quality and depth of flavour—but unable to find anything quite like it back home in South West England—the decision was made to change that.
After plenty of tasting, training with some of Australia’s top roasters, and even more tasting, a Giesen roaster was brought back to Somerset. In 2015, a small tin-shed roastery was set up in West Hatch, Taunton. Interestingly, and somewhat randomly, Ruxstons’ co-founder Gabriel was a postman at the time and delivered to Brazier Coffee Roasters daily.
A decade on, the roastery has grown, now supplying wholesale customers locally, across county borders, and even as far as London. With demand increasing, operations moved into a larger space at the historic Fox’s Tonedale Mill site in Wellington, Somerset.
Cambell Street Whole Coffee Beans | Brazier
About The Producer
100% Coffee Beans