A sensational prime cut sausage wrapped in our crispy pancakes and lightly seasoned to taste. Addictive, versatile, filling, and incredibly tasty! Far superior to its related product "Toad in the Hole”

With no time in the day this meal is easily created when crafted using the best ingredients and is great to eat on the go or create a pile for the centrepiece of the table.
Toad in the Roll is no joke. You will be left with many sleepless nights until your curiosity is satisfied and you have tried it for yourself, and you will not be disappointed.
When made with the slow grown pork sausages from our shop, with pasture raised eggs, organic milk, and organic flour. This creates a genuinely nutritious and tasty snack (if you can eat in moderation of course). All of the ingredients are able to easily be grown in the UK and so has great potential to be sustainably produced in mass.

When we attempted to make this product with commercial sausages and ingredients they ended up far too oily and unpleasant. Using quality ingredients makes this an exceptional product instead.
7 Pack Slow grown soya free pork sausages regeneratively farmed from Redwoods Farm. Fried until browned on the edges and piping hot inside.
2 medium Pasture raised Hens eggs from Horner Farm
100g Organic Shipton Mill Flour
300ml of Organic Milk
1) Preheat a frying pan under a medium heat and rub a thin layer of butter or oil over the surface of the pan.
2) Sift the flour into a bowl, and add in the eggs and milk whisking until a smooth consistency.
3) Add a small amount of batter into the frying pan and cook for approximately 3 minutes on one side and 2 minutes on the next. Or when the pancakes are suitably golden brown on each side.
4) Meanwhile fry up a pack of 7 Pork sausages in another frying pan until cooked thoroughly.
5) Keep the pancakes warm under cover, when the sausages are complete, lightly season with salt and pepper, simply roll them up and serve straight away.
Variations can be made with adding spices to the pancake mix such as paprika or chilli!